As of 17 May 2018, organisations must ensure that their general fire safety instruction complies with the requirements imposed by the adopted regulation.
The adopted Regulation sets out requirements for the content of any general fire safety instruction that is adopted by organisations or industrial facilities. Any facility or organisation is required to develop and adopt a general fire safety instruction that sets out the fire safety rules applicable to the whole organisation/facility/
According to the adopted Regulation, any general fire safety instruction issued by a facility or an organisation must cover the following:
general characteristics of the fire hazard of the facility or organisation as well as any fire hazards posed by substances, materials and equipment used at the facility;
duties of employees to comply with the fire safety instructions;
requirements for the maintenance of the territory, including roads, entrances and buildings, structures, outdoor installations, sources of external fire water supply;
requirements for the operation of buildings, structures, premises, outdoor installations;
measures to ensure fire safety during performance of activities by the facility;
procedure(s) for storage and transportation of substances and materials, taking into account their aggregate state, compatibility for the purposes of storage, as well as uniformity of extinguishing agents;
procedure for the collection, storage and disposal of combustible substances and materials, maintenance and storage of special clothing (if applicable);
procedure and frequency for cleaning of combustible wastes and dust;
the procedure for organizing training sessions for the evacuation of people in case of fire;
smoking rules as well as requirements for smoking areas and their location; etc.
Law: Decree No. 28 of 28 April 2018 on Requirements for the Contents of the General Fire Safety Instruction for an Organisation