As of 4 November 2022, products included into the list of products adopted by Decision of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission dated 04.10.2022 N 140 are subject to the Technical Regulation on the safety of meat and meat products and require an EAEU Declaration of Conformity before they can be imported into the EAEU.
The adopted list includes product names and their HS codes (TN VED codes or customs tariff codes). The list includes:
Semi finished and culinary meat products;
Bone processing products;
Blood processing products;
Products made of collagen-containing raw materials, including gelatine;
Meat products;
Meat stocks;
Dry meat and meat-containing products; etc.
The list does not include:
a) slaughter products (including those intended for the production of meat products intended for baby food);
b) meat products intended for baby food;
c) “new type” meat products;
d) slaughter products and meat products produced by individuals at home and (or) in personal land plots or by individuals engaged in animal husbandry, and not intended for release into circulation in the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union;
e) specialized meat products (including slaughter products and meat products for baby food) made using or based on slaughter products;
f) poultry meat and products of its processing, as well as food products, in the formulation of which poultry meat and products of its processing by weight in aggregate exceed the products of slaughter of other productive animals;
g) food additives and biologically active food supplements, medicines, animal feed, products not intended for food purposes, which are made using or based on slaughter products;
h) food of catering establishments (public catering), manufactured using or based on slaughter products and intended for sale when providing services;
i) food, in which, in accordance with the recipe, the content of meat ingredients is less than 5 percent.