As of 20 December 2022, organisations handling or generating used oils or using electrical transformers or other equipment potentially containing polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in Georgia are required to comply with the revised rules on handling polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and oils containing PCBs.
These requirements were adopted by amending the law of Georgia on the Technical Regulation on Special Requirements on Collection and Treatment of Hazardous Wastes (dated 29 March 2016 No. 145).
The revised rules provide that all used oils must be collected separately from other wastes.
It is prohibited to mix PCB/PCT-containing used oils with other used oils.
Additionally, all organisations that have or might have any PCB-containing oils or equipment are required to take the following actions:
a) Until 1 September 2024 – to analyse all oils they have on PCB content, according to Annex 3 to the adopted law;
b) Create a database on PCB handling (Annex 3 to the adopted law);
c) Label PCB-containing equipment with relevant labels;
d) Organise training of the personnel working with PCB-containing equipment and conduct it at least once a year;
e) Develop a Plan on handling PCBs.
Law: Amendment of the Technical Regulation on Special Requirements on Collection and Treatment of Hazardous Wastes No. 575 of 15 December 2022
Image: Flaticon