As of 31 December 2025, manufacturers and importers of heaters and solar panels are required to comply with a revised Technical Regulation that sets out energy labelling requirements for these products.
In particular, the revised Technical Regulation applies to:
- space heaters,
- combined heater space heaters,
- temperature controllers and solar panel sets.
The revised Technical Regulation does not apply to heaters that:
a) intended for the use of gaseous or liquid fuels, which are mainly produced from biomass;
b) use solid fuel;
c) are subject to the requirements of the Law of Georgia "On Industrial Emissions".
d) generate heat only for hot drinking or domestic water;
e) intended for heating and distribution of gaseous heat, such as steam or air;
f) represent a cogeneration space heater, the maximum electric power of which is equal to or greater than 50 kW.
The requirements apply to space heaters and combination heaters with a rated heat capacity ≤ 70 kW, for space heater sets with a rated heat capacity ≤ 70 kW, for thermostat and solar panel and combination heater sets with a rated heat capacity ≤ 70 kW , and for the temperature controller and solar panels.
The Technical Regulation sets out requirements applicable to organisations placing the relevant products on the market in Georgia. The Technical Regulation also sets out dealers’ obligations.
Energy efficiency calculation methods are also set out by the revised Technical Regulation.
The energy efficiency label has been aligned with the EU enegy label for heaters and solar panels, but requires the local (Georgian) language.
Law: Technical Regualtion on Approval of Energy Labelling for Heaters, Combined Heaters, Thermoregulators and Solar Panel Complexes adopted by Decree No. 364 of 23 October 2024