As of 1 January 2025, manufacturers and importers of animal feed in Georgia are to be required to use additives in such animal food in accordance with the adopted Rules.
The Rules define “animal feed” as any substance or product, including animal feed additives, processed, partially processed or unprocessed, intended for oral feeding of animals.
A “premix” is defined as a mixture of animal feed additives or a mixture of one or more animal feed additives with animal feed material or water used as a carrier, which is not intended for direct use to animal.
The Rules prohibit placing animal feed additives on the market of Georgia or process them (except for export production) or use them if:
a) such animal feed additives are not authorized by the European Union and are not specified in register of animal feed additives;
b) the “General conditions for the use of animal food supplements") (unless otherwise stipulated by the authorization), and the authorization conditions of the substance in question are not observed;
c) labelling requirements have not been complied with.
For experiments carried out for scientific purposes, the National Food Agency of the Ministry of Environment and Agriculture of Georgia (the agency) may allow the use of substances that are not authorized as animal feed additives (except for antibiotics), provided that the experiments are carried out under appropriate state supervision.
Unless otherwise specified, it is allowed to mix additives to be sold directly to the final user, subject to the conditions of use specified in the authorization of each individual animal feed additive. Therefore, the mixing of authorized additives is not subject to a specific authorization.
Law: Resolution of the Government of Georgia N473 dated 03/10/2022 On the approval of the rule of animal food additives for use in animal nutrition