Kazakhstan, Issue 25 January 2016

Extended producer responsibility: requirements for the own system of waste collection and utilization

Manufacturers and importers of listed products must either establish their own system of collection and utilization of wastes derived from such products or to sign a contract with an operator for the performance of waste collection and utilization.

The requirements for the manufacturers’ and importers’ own system of waste collection and utilization have been adopted by Order No. 761 of 25 December 2015. Order No. 761 entered into force on 1 January 2016 but was officially published on 25 January 2016.

According to Order No. 761, the importer or manufacturer must utilize at least 30% of the total volume of products that have been sold or imported during a calendar quarter.

The manufacturer or importer must organize, among other things, the collection of the products that have lost its consumer properties. The collection points must have warehouses and waste neutralization means.

Law: Order No. 761 of 25 December 2015 on the Adoption of the Requirements for the Own System of Waste Collection, Treatment and Utilisation


Adopted Rules for assigning a water body to drinking water sources

If an organization that is using a water body wishes to assign this water body to drinking water sources (e.g. in order to supply water from this body for drinking purposes), it must apply to the territorial sanitary authorities.

Law: Order No. 739 of 28 November 2015 on the Adoption of the Rules for Assigning a Water Body to Drinking Water Sources


Sanitary risk assessment criteria and the checklist for organisations

Organisations performing certain activities, such as operation of cosmetic product warehouse, laboratories, resorts, swimming pools, etc. are to be inspected by the sanitary authorities in accordance with the adopted checklist.

Law: Order No. 804 of 28 December 2015 on the Adoption of Sanitary Risk Criteria and the Checklist for Sanitary Inspections

Adopted risk criteria and the checklist for organic product manufacturers

As of 4 February 2016, organic food producers are to be inspected by the state bodies in accordance with the adopted checklist and risk criteria. The risk criteria are used by the authorities in order to assign a degree of risk represented by the producer and the checklist is to be used by the authorities in order to identify any regulatory breaches and to determine whether a breach is a serious one or not. For example, if a producer does not comply with the restrictions on the GMO use, they are committing a serious breach.

Law: Joint Order No. 15-05/1139 and No. 818 of 28 and 29 December 2015 on the Approval of Risk Evaluation Criteria and the Checklist for Organic Food Producers



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