As of 6 September 2017, all organisations operating buildings or structures and/or using flammable substances or electrical equipment or those that own or operate any fire fighting equipment are required to comply with the provisions of Technical Regulation (TR) “General Fire Safety Requirements”.
The TR requires facilities to implement the following measures:
- fire prevention,
- fire protection and
- organizational and technical measures aimed at fire protection.
Fire prevention measures include removal of flammable waste from production premises, use of non-combustible materials whenever possible, etc.
Fire protection measures include proper designation of evacuation routes, installation of fire alarms and smoke protection devices, etc. In particular, the TR requires that each building must be constructed in a way that ensures safe evacuation of people in case of fire.
The TR sets out fire safety requirements for electrical installations located in buildings and structures. For example, electrical engines, distribution and lighting devices must be cleaned from combustible dust at least twice a month and in premises with significant dust emission – at least four times a month.
A separate part of the TR is dedicated to handling and use of substances and materials, including the use of construction materials in buildings and structures.
The manufacturer of any substance or material must develop technical documentation that contains requirements for the safe use of such substance or material. This documentation must contain information on fire safety properties of the substance or material. For example, documentation for every liquid substance must indicate this substance’s flammability group, ignition temperature, flash temperature, self-combustion temperature and temperature limits for flame distribution.
The TR further establishes classification of fires depending on how difficult it is to extinguish each type. The TR also classifies substances and materials depending on their fire safety properties.
In addition, the TR classifies areas (within premises) depending on their fire hazard parameters. Areas are classified into four classes. For example, class P-1 includes areas located in premises where flammable liquids with the flash temperature above 61 degrees Centigrade are handled.
Law: Order No. 439 of 23 August 2017 of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Kazakhstan on the adoption of Technical Regulation “General Fire Safety Requirements”