As of 1 January 2018, product, component and chemical importers are to use the revised version of the Product Nomenclature for External Economic Activity (TN VED which is equivalent to the HS code system) when importing goods or chemicals into Uzbekistan.
The new TN VED version (2017) is based on the revised HS Code system used by the World Customs Organisation.
For some products, the codes have been changed and the list of such products is set out by Decree No. 1042 of 30 December 2017. The list of products for which the relevant TN VED codes have been changed includes live fish, most types of meat products, wines, non-organic chemicals, etc.
Law: Decree No. PP-3448 of 28 December 2017 on the Product Nomenclature for External Economic Activities (TN VED, version 2017)