As of 15 April 2018, facilities belonging to environmental hazard categories I, II and III are required to develop and implement their internal environmental compliance self-monitoring program in accordance with the adopted requirements.
Any self-monitoring program must contain certain chapters, such as “general provisions”, “information on emission stock-taking and emission sources”, “information on discharges and discharge sources”, information on responsible persons, etc.
The adopted requirements set out the frequency for sample taking of wastewater. Thus, category I and II facilities must test their wastewater discharges at least once every month and perform toxicity tests of wastewater discharges – at least once every quarter.
Facilities must test the performance and efficiency of their water treatment plants at least twice a year.
Facilities must submit reports on the results of their environmental self-monitoring to the environmental authorities (RosPrirodNadzor) every year, before 25 March of the year that follows the reporting year.
Law: Order No. 74 of 28 February 2018 on the Approval of Requirements for the Contents of an Environmental Self-Monitoring Program and for the Procedure of Submission of Reports Containing Results of Environmental Self-Monitoring