As of 28 April 2020, organisations operating buildings or structures that are subject to a Fire Safety Declaration (FSD) have to register the FSD in accordance with the adopted procedure.
The competent authority responsible for registering FSDs is the Ministry of Emergency Situations (MCHS) of the Russian Federation.
A fire safety declaration must be developed by the owner or the operator for a building, structure, production facility, for which the legislation of the Russian Federation requires an expert assessment of project documentation (except for buildings belonging to fire hazard classes F1.3 and F1.4), as well as for buildings (parts of buildings) belonging to fire hazard class F1.1. An FSD contains the following information:
1) fire risk assessment (if risk calculation is carried out);
2) assessment of possible damage to property of third parties from fire (can be carried out as part of voluntary liability insurance for damage to third parties from fire).
Registration of an FSD is to be executed by the Ministry free of charge.
The form of the FSD has also been provided in the adopted procedure.
The adoption of the procedure will not impact the validity of the FSDs that have already been registered.
Law: Order No. 171 of 16 March 2020 on the Adoption of the Administrative Regulation on Registering Fire Safety Declarations by the Ministry of Emergency Situations