As of 6 May 2021, manufacturers and importers of room heaters, combined heaters, combinations of space heaters, temperature regulators and solar installations as well as of combinations of combined heater, temperature regulators and solar installations are required to comply with the ecodesign requirements and energy efficiency labelling of such heaters.
This Technical Regulation sets out the basic requirements for the energy labelling of space heaters and combination heaters with a rated thermal power of 70 kW fences, kits (combinations) with a 70 kW fence room heater, a temperature controller and a solar installation and kits from a 70 kW combined fence heater, a temperature controller and a solar installation, and also requirements for providing consumers with additional information regarding these energy-consuming products.
The Technical Regulation do not apply to:
- heaters designed to use gaseous or liquid fuels produced primarily from biomass;
- solid fuel heaters;
- heaters that use waste, secondary energy resources, as well as heaters that are used in industry;
- water heaters that produce heat only to provide hot water supplies for sanitary and hygienic and household needs;
- water heaters, designed to heat and distribute heat using a gaseous heat carrier such as steam or air;
- cogeneration space heaters with a maximum electrical power of 50 kW or more.
Room (indoor) heaters, combined heaters, sets with a space heater, temperature controller and solar installation and sets of a combined heater, temperature controller and solar installation, which were put into circulation before the entry into force of this order and do not meet all or individual requirements of the approved Technical regulations, can still be placed on the market of Ukraine within 6 months from the date of entry into force of the Technical Regulation (i.e. six months starting from 6 May 2021).
Law: Technical Regulation on the Energy Marking of Indoor Heaters, Combined Heaters, Sets of Indoor Heaters, Temperature Regulators and Solar Installations and Sets of Combined Heaters, Temperature Regulators and Solar Installations, adopted by Order No. 646 of 7 October 2020