As of 1 January 2027, manufacturers of organic food in Georgia are required to comply with the restrictions adopted by Technical Regulation on Approving Substances and Products Permitted to Be Used in Eco and Bio Production Processes.
As of that date, only substances listed in Annex 1 to the adopted Technical Regulation are to be used in organic production processes. The list includes sodium chloride, chitosan hydrochloride, talc (CAS 14807-96-6), etc.
Annex 2 to the TR lists fertilisers, soil improvers and nutrients that are to be allowed in organic production. The list includes manure, peat, residues of mushroom cultures, guano, algae, etc.
Annex No. 3 to the TR contains a list of products and substances allowed for use as animal feed or in the production of animal feed. Annex 3 also contains a list of allowed animal feed additives and technological additives for processing.
Annex 4 lists cleaning and disinfecting products allowed in organic production processes.
Annex 5 lists the permitted food additives and technical aids. It also contains a list of products and substances permitted to produce organic wines.
Law: Technical Regulation on Approving Substances and Products Permitted to Be Used in Eco and Bio Production Processes