Starting from 1 January 2019 manufacturers or importers of products included into the adopted List are required to ensure that these products bear the required identification marks. The list indicates when dates when the requirement to place identification marks enters into force for each product group.
The list of products includes:
- Tobacco products – as of 1 March 2019;
- Perfumes and eau de toilette – as of 1 December 2019;
- Tyres – as of 1 December 2019;
- Natural and composition leather clothing; as of 1 December 2019;
- Coats, raincoats, wind jackets – as of 1 December 2019;
- Footwear – as of 1 December 2019;
- Photo cameras (except camcorders), photo flash and flash lamps – as of 1 December 2019; etc.
The identification system operates by assigning unique codes to products and marking each product unit with such a unique code. This will allow to trace the path of each product at all stages of its circulation.
The unique codes will consist of two parts – identification code and check code. The identification code will be the code of the relevant product group in accordance with the Common Catalogue of Products Marked with Identification Marks of the Russian Federation and the unique code assigned to each product unit. The check code will be generated with the use of the Russian cryptographic technologies.
Law: Direction No. 792-r dated 28 April 2018 on Approval of the List of Products that are Subject to Compulsory Marking with Identification Marks