As of 16 June 2017 facilities operating major hazard installations are required to perform or to organize the performance of non-destructive testing (NDT) of equipment, buildings and structures at such installations in accordance with the adopted methods. The following NDT methods are prescribed by the adopted norms:
- Visual and measurement
- Ultrasonic
- Acoustic emission
- Radiation
- Magnetic
- Eddy current
- Liquid and capillary penetrant
- Vibration diagnostic
- Electrical
- Heat
- Optical
Other methods may be applied if prescribed or allowed by any valid federal industrial safety norms and rules.
NDT works may only be performed by specially accredited laboratories.
Law: Order No. 490 of 21 November 2016 on the Adoption of the Federal Norms and Rules in the Area of Industrial Safety “Main Requirements for the Performance of Non-Destructive Testing of Technical Devices, Buildings and Structures at Major Hazard Installations”