As of 1 January 2021, organisations performing construction, renovation and refurbishment activities in Russia are required to comply with the revised set of occupational safety rules.
The rules apply to all organisations and sole traders, regardless of the form of incorporation.
The rules allow employers to maintain and keep occupational safety documentation in electronic format.
The rules contain general occupational safety requirements and requirements applicable to particular types of work, such as:
- dismantling (destruction) of buildings and structures during their reconstruction or demolition;
- earthworks;
- construction of artificial foundations and drilling operations;
- concrete works;
- installation works;
- masonry (stone) works;
- assembly of wooden structures;
- insulation work;
- roofing works;
- installation of engineering equipment of buildings and structures;
- testing installed equipment and pipelines;
- electrical installation and commissioning; etc.
Law: Order No. 883n of 11 December 2020 on the Occupational Safety Rules for Construction, Renovation and Refurbishment Activities