As of 1 November 2017, light industry facilities are required to comply with the adopted occupational safety rules. The Rules apply to works and processes involving finishing works for fabrics and knitwear, production of non-woven materials, spinning, production of textiles and clothing, processing of leather raw materials, works involving leather tanning and finishing, fur dyeing and processing, production of clothing, footwear and other leather and fur products.
The Rules are compulsory for all employers regardless of their form of incorporation. Employers are responsible for compliance with the adopted Rules.
The Rules require that employers may only admit to work employees who have undergone occupational safety training. Employees performing certain types of work to which higher safety requirements are applicable, must undergo regular occupational health and safety training at least once every three months and occupational health and safety examination – at least every 12 months.
Law: Order No. 466n of 31 May 2017 on the Adoption of Occupational Safety Rules for Light Industry Facilites