As of 19 September 2020, organisations constructing or renovating industrial or public premises or those developing technical documentation for buildings or structures are required to comply with the adopted Set of Rules SP 1.13130 “Fire protection systems. Evacuation routes and exits”.
Compliance with the adopted Set of Rules ensures compliance with the Russian National Technical Regulation on Fire Safety, Law No. 123-FZ (adopted on 22 July 2008).
SP 1.13130 sets out fire safety requirements for evacuation routes, evacuation and emergency exits from premises, buildings and structures, as well as fire safety requirements for evacuation routes for outdoor technological installations. The requirements of the SP apply to buildings and structures (also called “objects of fire protection”) during their design stage, change of their functional purpose, as well as during reconstruction, overhaul and technical re-equipment in the part corresponding to the volume of the specified work.
The specified set of rules does not apply to buildings and structures intended for special purposes (for the production, storage, processing and destruction of radioactive and explosives, materials and explosives, military purposes, underground metro structures, mine workings), residential buildings with the height exceeding 75 m and other buildings with the height exceeding 50 m, as well as to buildings with more than one basement floor, unless the parts of the building are located on these floors.
If an organisation is changing the functional purpose of existing buildings or individual rooms in such buildings, or if it is changing space-planning and structural solutions, it must comply with the requirements of the adopted set of rules.
The adopted set of fire safety rules provides requirements for the dimensions of evacuation routes and exits, the number of evacuation exits, depending on the fire safety class of a building, etc.
Law: Set of Rules SP 1.13130 “Fire protection systems. Evacuation routes and exits” adopted by Order No. 194 of 19 March 2020.