Integrated environmental permits are issued to legal entities and sole traders operating category I environmentally hazardous facilities. One permit is to be issued for each separate facility with a negative impact on the environment, including a linear facility following an application submitted by the operator.
Legal entities and sole traders engaged in economic and (or) other activities at category II facilities shall be entitled to receive integrated environmental permit if there are relevant industry technical manuals on best available technologies.
The permit is issued by the territorial body of Rosprirodnadzor following a positive conclusion of the state environmental impact assessment of the materials justifying the permit.
Permission is issued to the applicant within 25 calendar days after receipt of the application, but no later than one month from the date of receipt of the application.
The permit is issued for 7 years and can be extended for 7 years under the conditions set by the Federal Law of 10.01.2002 N 7-FZ "On Environmental Protection".
The permit is subject to revision in full or in part in case of changes in the production of technological processes, equipment, raw materials, if this entails a change in the established volumes or mass of emissions, discharges or waste disposal limits.
In case the permit holder breaches, during 6 months or more, any mandatory requirements set out by the permit without revising it, the territorial body of Rosprirodnadzor shall apply to the court requesting to revoke the permit. After the court decision on the revocation of the permit comes into force, and after the facility in question is removed from the state registry, the territorial body of Rosprirodnadzor shall post information on the revocation of the permit on the official Internet site within 5 working days.
Law: Decree of 13.02.2019 N 143 on the procedure for issuing integrated environmental permits, their renewal, revision, amending them and revocation (together with the "Rules for issuing integrated environmental permits, their renewal, revising, amending them and revocation")