As of 1 January 2021, importers and manufacturers of products subject to fire safety assessment, are required to follow the revised fire safety conformity assessment procedure.
Products subject to fire safety conformity assessment have been listed by Decree No. 241 of 17 March 2009. The list includes most types of fire safety equipment (fire extinguishers, helmets, belts, ladders, fire extinguishing installations, etc.), fire-proof cables and certain types of construction materials (PVC boards, vinyl and textile wallpaper, some types of insulation, etc.).
All products included into the list must undergo an independent fire safety risk assessment in accordance with the adopted revised procedure.
The independent fire risk assessment includes:
analysis of documents containing the information about the fire hazard of the products;
physical examination of the products in order to obtain comprehensive information on the state of fire safety of the products and to identify the possibility of the occurrence of fire and any potential impact on people and property;
identifying what kind of necessary research, tests, calculations and examinations must be conducted in accordance with the applicable regulatory instruments;
preparation of a written report on the fulfilment by the products of fire safety requirements, or in case of non-fulfilment and (or) non-compliance, development of measures to ensure the fulfilment of conditions under which the products will comply with fire safety requirements, and (or) preparation of a list of fire safety requirements and conditions subject to which the products in question are to comply with fire safety risk requirements.
The results of an independent assessment of fire risk are to be issued in writing in a form of an opinion about an independent assessment of fire risk. This written opinion is to be sent to the requester on paper or in the form of an electronic document.
In addition, within 5 working days after issuing the opinion, the expert organization (conducting the assessment) is to send a copy of the opinion to the executive body or the relevant state institution.
Law: Decree No. 1325 of 31 August 2020 on the Rules for the Assessment of Products for Fire Safety Risks