Employers are required to use the adopted compulsory statistical reporting forms for reports submitted for 2017 onwards.
The list of the adopted revised forms includes the following:
- No. 1-T (working conditions) “Information on the working conditions and compensations for harmful and/or hazardous works” (Yearly, to be submitted before 19 January of the following year);
- No. 1-T “Information on the number and salaries of workers” (Yearly, to be submitted before 20 January of the following year); etc.
Employers are required to complete these forms each year and submit them to the relevant authorities before the date specified on the form. For example, form No. 1-T (working conditions) containing information for 2017 must be submitted to the local body of the statistical authority (RosStat) before 19 January 2018.
The list also includes a number of monthly reporting forms, such as the form No. 3-F containing the information on all salary arrears.
Law: Order No. 566 of 1 September 2017 on the Adoption of Statistical Instruments to be Used for the Federal Statistical Surveillance over the Number of Workers, their Working Conditions and Salaries