In order answer this question, one should go to the official website of the General Prosecution Office of the Russian Federation. The service that can be accessed via this website (presently launched in the testing mode) allows you to check whether your organization will be visited by any state inspectors in 2017. The service will also give you the information on which dates your company is to be inspected and how long the inspection will last. The service will also inform you on subject of each inspection (e.g. compliance with fire safety, industrial safety, occupational hygiene, consumer protection or other statutory requirements).
It is important to note that for the period from 1 January 2016 to 31 December 2018 there is a moratorium for scheduled state inspections of small business facilities. If you are a small business facility and you find yourself in the list of organisations to be inspected in 2017, you may submit an application form to exclude your company from the yearly inspection plan, since this inspection would be against the law.
The moratorium, however, does not apply to facilities that have been penalized (during the past three years) for serious breaches of the legislation as well as to facilities performing activities that involve heating supply, electrical energy supply or energy efficiency. These facilities may be subject to scheduled state inspections at least two times every three years.