Facilities operating thermal power plants with nominal heat output capacity exceeding 50 MW installed at heating power stations, boiler installations and at industrial facilities, will be required to comply with the adopted permissible emission limits of polluting substances as soon as the adopted norms enter into force. The Norms will enter into force from the date of their official publication. As at 6 April 2018, the Norms have not been officially published.
The adopted Norms do not apply to:
- installations in which combustion products are used for direct heating, drying or any other processing of objects and materials, in particular heating furnaces or furnaces for heat treatment;
- installations of afterburning, which are designed for flue gas cleaning by combustion and which are not operated as separate incinerators;
- installations in which combustion products are burned, that is, any technical apparatus intended for flue gas cleaning by burning;
- units for the regeneration of catalysts used in catalytic cracking;
- installations used for converting hydrogen sulfide to sulfur;
- reactors used in the chemical industry;
- battery coke ovens;
- couplers;
- any technical equipment used for traction in vehicles, ships or aircraft;
- gas turbines used on offshore platforms;
- installations with gas turbines regardless of the type of fuel burned, which are used during emergencies and operate for less than 500 hours per year. In such cases, economic entities operating heat power plants must keep a record of the number of operating hours of these installations.
The adopted Norms set out emission limits for a number of pollutants, including NOx, SOx and suspended particles.
Law: Order No. 62 of 16 February 2018 on Amending Order No. 541 of 22 October 2008