As of 1 January 2023 organisations operating in Uzbekistan are required to submit revised statistical reporting forms, as may be applicable to them. The submission of such forms is mandatory in Uzbekistan.
The list of forms consists of over 100 items and include the following yearly forms that are provided in form of Annexes to the adopted Decision:
- Report on product manufacturing (Annex 16);
- Report on environmental protection (Annex 36);
- Report on any impact on protected natural territories (Annex 37);
- Report on putting land into use (Annex 38);
- Report on labour and labour protection (Annex 43). This report also includes data on occupational accidents and illnesses as well as any expenditure on occupational safety measures; etc.
Each form contains the date by which it must be submitted to the State Statistics Committee of Uzbekistan. For example, organisations must submit the Report on labour and labour protection (Annex 43) by 1 February each year.
Organisations operating in Uzbekistan are recommended to review the adopted list, select the applicable reporting forms and ensure these are submitted to the State Statistics Committee before the deadline indicated directly in the relevant form.
Law: Decision on the Approval of Statistical Reporting Forms, 23-mb-son dated 16 November 2022
Image: Flaticon