As of 6 August 2024, organisations importing plant protection products, such as mineral fertilisers and other plant protection chemicals, are required to follow the adopted procedure to obtain a permit for such an importation.
A permit is defined as a document confirming the permission to import mineral fertilizers and chemical means used for plant protection (mineral fertilizers and chemical products) into the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
The list of mineral fertilizers and chemical agents requiring a permit is provided in Appendix 1 to the adopted Regulation. The list includes the descriptions and the HS codes (TIF TN codes) of the products subject to the permit. For example, the list includes nitrogen fertilisers (TIF TN codes 2814 20 000 0, 2827 10 000 0, 2834 29 800 0 and group 3102), phosphorus fertilisers, potassium fertilisers, etc.
The aim of issuing such a permit is to protect the Republic of Uzbekistan against the importation of low-quality, forged, unregistered mineral fertilizers and chemicals, as well as their illegal counterfeits.
The permit is issued for a period of twelve months, if the applicant does not import mineral fertilizers and chemicals within the period of twelve months, the period of validity of the permit is suspended and a new application for a new permit is to be made.
Upon the expiration of the permit, it may be extended for an additional twelve months at the request of the applicant. The application for the extension of the validity period of the permit must be submitted to the Agency before the expiry of this document. The validity period of the permit is extended without charge.
Law: Decision of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 481 dated August 5, 2024 On the procedure for obtaining a permit for the import of mineral fertilizers and chemical agents used for plant protection