Amended List of Cosmetic Products for the import of which a conformity assessment document is required

Decision No. 145 of the Eurasian Economic Commission Collegiate of 25 August 2014 amends the List of Cosmetic Products for which a customs declaration must be submitted together with a conformity assessment document (i.e. a state registration certificate or a declaration of conformity).  The conformity assessment document verifies that the products comply with the Customs Union Technical Regulation on Cosmetics and Perfumery TR CU 009/2011.

The amendments increase the maximum H2O2 concentration limit, from 0,6% to 6,0% (included or released) in tooth bleaching products for which state registration is required (rather than a declaration of conformity). This means that a wider range of tooth whitening products are to be subject to the state registration procedure, from the date the amendments enter into force.

The amendments also change and add Product Nomenclature codes to the List.  Thus, in lines 22 and 23 product code 3305 90 000 0 was replaced by two codes: 3305 90 000 1 and 3305 90 000 9.  Additional product code - 3306 90 000 0 - was added to line 25 (oral hygiene products subject to state registration).

The amendments clarify that organic surfactants and skin washing products intended for skin lightening (bleaching) are subject to state registration (lines 37 and 38 of the List). Two additional positions (39 and 40) were added to the List:

Product name


Required conformity assessment document


Product name
39 Other perfumery and cosmetic products not listed, named or included into this List From 3307 90 008 Declaration of conformity Excluding products manufactured with the use of nano-materials and products intended for children
40 Other perfumery and cosmetic products not listed, named or included into this List: manufactured with the use of nano-materials and products intended for children From 3307 90 008 State registration certificate