Uzbekistan: Adopted occupational health and safety procedures
Organisations may be assigned to lower or higher risk category (for the purposes of state inspection frequency, insurance premium calculation, etc.) if additional criteria are to be applied.
Thus, an organization may be assigned a lower H&S risk if, during the past year, there were no occupational injuries at this organization or the organization is not in arrears for salaries or there were no administrative penalties issued to it.
The recent amendments to the Labour Code concerning the application of professional standards by employers have resulted in country-wide discussions on whether the application of professional standards and professional re-training of occupational health and safety (OHS) specialists is mandatory for employers. The Labour Code provisions have failed to provide a clear and unambiguous answer to this question.
The recent amendments to the Labour Code concerning the application of professional standards by employers have resulted in country-wide discussions on whether the application of professional standards and professional re-training of occupational health and safety (OHS) specialists is mandatory for employers. The Labour Code provisions have failed to provide a clear and unambiguous answer to this question.
The draft revised medical surveillance procedure for workers is to be adopted in the near future. The public discussion of the revised draft procedure has just been completed and the draft procedure is undergoing the procedure of regulatory impact evaluation. The probability that the current draft of the procedure is around 65%.
What would change if the revised procedure is adopted?
As of 18 March 2017 state supervision bodies (inspections) are to be taken risk-oriented approach when performing additional 33 types of supervision. The added types of supervision include environmental, transport, land use, ethanol handling, pharmaceutical handling and some other types of supervision.
Revised requirements for the issue of special water use permits
The adopted law amends the provisions regulating the issue of special water use permits. In particular, it revises the provisions setting out grounds for the termination of the right to use a water body, provisions on granting the right to an organization to perform special use of a water body, etc.
As of 10 March 2017, all facilities operating major hazard installations (MHIs) are required to identify such MHIs and register them in the state MHI Registry in accordance with the revised procedure. Furthermore, as of 1 January 2018, such facilities must use the list of standard MHI names for the identification of MHIs and their hazard classes.
Adopted occupational exposure requirements
Occupational exposure limits, HS management, health and safety training, H&S management, occupational safety rules
Environmental liability, waste management, air protection, water management, hazardous substances management, dangerous goods transportation, use of chemicals…
Cosmetics, food, electronics, chemicals, clothing, textiles, other consumer goods
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