ALL (General product requirements)

Belarus: Adopted procedure for handling unsafe products

As of 27 January 2021, importers, sellers and manufacturers of unsafe products are required to follow the adopted procedure regulating management and handling of such products.

Products can be declared unsafe by the competent authorities based on test results or following a visual inspection of the products.

Ukraine: Amended Technical Regulation on Automotive, Diesel, Marine and Boiler Fuel

The Cabinet of Ministers, by decree of 09/23/2020 N 967, amended the Technical Regulations on the requirements for motor gasoline, diesel, marine and boiler fuel.

In particular, the list of fuels that are not subject to the requirements of this Technical Regulation has been extended.

Thus, it was determined that the requirements of the Technical Regulations also do not apply to:

Ukraine: Adopted law restricting powers of Market Surveillance Authorities

As of 26 March 2020, the powers of the Market Surveillance Authorities of Ukraine are to be significantly restricted when it comes to the control and supervision of business entities (including product manufacturers).

The Verkhovna Rada adopted and the President signed the "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine Regarding Reduction of Pressure on Business by Market Surveillance Bodies".

Ukraine: List of products subject to import and export licencing and quotas

As of 1 January 2020, organisations importing or exporting certain products and substances, are required to comply with import and/or export licencing requirements and/or quotas.

The lists of such products have been adopted by Decree No. 1109 of 24 December 2019.

Products that are subject to quotas include precious metals (silver, gold and platinum) as well as scrap of precious metals.

Uzbekistan: Pilot project for product identification marking

As of 1 December 2019, Uzbekistan has commenced a pilot project on implementing identification marking for alcoholic drinks and cigarettes.  Local manufacturers and importers can voluntary participate in the experiment.

The results of the experiment will be submitted to the Government before 30 June 2020.

EAEU: Clarification on “authorised representative of the manufacturer”

The EurAsian Intergovernmental Council adopted Decision No. 10 of 25 October 2019 with the aim to ensure that the term “authorised representative of the manufacturer” who is empowered act as the Applicant for the purpose of conformity assessment of serially manufactured products is used and understood in the same way throughout all EAEU member states.
