Kazakhstan: Environmental Code amended
The Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology published draft decree that would regulate state environmental inspections. According to the draft Decree proposed by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology, all organisations are to be assigned an environmental risk category. The draft Decree sets out criteria for assigning any organization to an environmental risk category.
The State Environmental Inspection of Ukraine is the central executive body coordinated by the Cabinet of Ministers via the Minister of Environment and Natural Resources. The Inspection implements the state environmental policy that includes environmental law enforcement.
Manufacturers and importers of packaging would be required to participate in the newly introduced deposit system. In order to participate in the deposit system, they would be required to mark packaging containers with special deposit labels. These deposit labels are to indicate that consumers may return the packaging to a particular collection point for used packaging and immediately receive reimbursement for each unit of returned packaging.
The State Nature Protection Committee has been transformed into the State State Committee of Ecology and Environmental Protection, reporting directly to the Cabinet of Ministers of Uzbekistan.
The main tasks of the Committee are to be state environmental management, state supervision of compliance with waste management and air protection regulations, creation of an efficient waste collection, transportation, utilization, recycling and landfill system, etc.
Organisations may be assigned to lower or higher risk category (for the purposes of state inspection frequency, insurance premium calculation, etc.) if additional criteria are to be applied.
Thus, an organization may be assigned a lower H&S risk if, during the past year, there were no occupational injuries at this organization or the organization is not in arrears for salaries or there were no administrative penalties issued to it.
Organisations paying environmental fees (i.e. those performing air emissions, wastewater discharges or waste disposal) may be granted more flexibility for the payment of such fees in advance, if the published draft regulation is adopted.
The current procedure for the calculation of quarterly advanced payments of environmental fees requires the payers to pay in advance ¼ of the environmental fee paid for the previous year. As a result, some organisations are likely to significantly overpay their environmental fees.
Payers of environmental pollution fees (e.g. organisations paying for air emissions, wastewater discharges or waste disposal) can be reimbursed for the amount of any overpaid fees. In order to do so, a payer is required to submit an application to the local branch of the environmental authority (RosPrirodNadzor) .
The letter with the detailed explanation on how to claim such a reimbursement was published by the RosPrirodNadzor on 22 March 2017.
Adopted safety rules for the development of underground minerals
All organisations performing underground mining of ore and non-metallic minerals will have to comply with the adopted safety rules.
As of 18 March 2017 state supervision bodies (inspections) are to be taken risk-oriented approach when performing additional 33 types of supervision. The added types of supervision include environmental, transport, land use, ethanol handling, pharmaceutical handling and some other types of supervision.
Occupational exposure limits, HS management, health and safety training, H&S management, occupational safety rules
Environmental liability, waste management, air protection, water management, hazardous substances management, dangerous goods transportation, use of chemicals…
Cosmetics, food, electronics, chemicals, clothing, textiles, other consumer goods
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