Russia: Experiment on mandatory ID marking of nicotine-containing products
As of 1 January 2021, manufacturers and importers of lighting devices and electrical AC lamps used for lighting purposes are required to comply with the adopted ecodesign requirements. The requirements were adopted by Decree No.2255 of 24 December 2020 (the Decree). The adopted Decree ceases to be valid 24 months after the date of entry into force of the EAEU technical regulation "On requirements for the energy efficiency of energy-consuming devices" (TR EAEU 048/2019), but no later than January 1, 2026.
Importers and manufacturers of products subject to the extended producer responsibility (EPR) and recycling targets (e.g. electronic equipment, textiles and some types of packaging) will have to submit the environmental charge calculation form in accordance with the rules adopted by Order No. 920 of 13 July 2020.
As of 1 January 2021, organisations intending to register major hazard facilities (MHFs) in the Russian state MHF registry, are required to follow the revised registration procedure. The adoption of the revised registration procedure does not impact any existing and valid registrations.
The adopted registration procedure applies to all organisations intending to operate any MHIs in the Russian Federation.
As of 1 January 2021, operators applying for a new or updated licence for the operation of major hazard facilities with a chemical hazard, must comply with the revised licencing procedure. The adopted procedure will not require any immediate actions from the holders of existing valid licences.
The adopted procedure sets out:
On 8 December 2020, the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission made changes to the Unified Sanitary and Epidemiological and Hygienic Requirements for Products Subject to Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision. The document is supplemented with a list of methods that are to be used for evaluating the effectiveness of disinfectants and biocides that are to be placed on the EAEU (Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia and Kyrgyzstan) market.
As of 1 April 2021, manufacturers, sellers and importers of certain “technically complex” goods (the exact list is to be adopted separately by the Government of Russia) with pre-installed software must ensure that they have been equipped by software that originates from the Russian Federation (or another EAEU country). Further details of this requirement are to be set out by a separate r
Occupational exposure limits, HS management, health and safety training, H&S management, occupational safety rules
Environmental liability, waste management, air protection, water management, hazardous substances management, dangerous goods transportation, use of chemicals…
Cosmetics, food, electronics, chemicals, clothing, textiles, other consumer goods
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