Kazakhstan: Adopted Technical Regulation for Automated Fire Fighting Systems
Starting from 30 March 2017 all organisations and sole traders are required to suspend all retail sale of alcohol-containing non-foods, alcohol-containing food additives and flavourings with the content of ethanol exceeding 28% of the finished product volume, sold at a price that is lower than the retail price of 0,5 litre of vodka or other spirits or liquors with the ethanol content exceeding 28%.
The Federal Agency on Technical Regulation and Metrology (RosStandart) has published Methodical Recommendations to be used by product manufacturers (the manufacturer representatives) and importers if they discover that any products they have placed on the Russian market, have a defect or a fault.
The recent amendments to the Labour Code concerning the application of professional standards by employers have resulted in country-wide discussions on whether the application of professional standards and professional re-training of occupational health and safety (OHS) specialists is mandatory for employers. The Labour Code provisions have failed to provide a clear and unambiguous answer to this question.
Amended list of products subject to compulsory certificatio
EAEU: Amended lists of products subject to Technical Regulations
As of 22 April 2017, amendments to lists of products subject to certain Technical Regulations enter into force. The lists of products that are subject to the following Technical Regulations have been amended:
Technical Regulation on the Safety of Personal Protective Equipment;
Payers of environmental pollution fees (e.g. organisations paying for air emissions, wastewater discharges or waste disposal) can be reimbursed for the amount of any overpaid fees. In order to do so, a payer is required to submit an application to the local branch of the environmental authority (RosPrirodNadzor) .
The letter with the detailed explanation on how to claim such a reimbursement was published by the RosPrirodNadzor on 22 March 2017.
If adopted, the Technical Regulation (TR) would apply to manufacturers and importers of poultry meat and poultry meat products, such as finished and semi-finished products made of poultry meat, poultry meat protein, stock and sausages etc.
The Technical Regulation would also impose requirements for the manufacturing process, storage, transportation, sale and disposal/utilization of poultry meat and poultry meat products.
As of 1 September 2017 manufacturers and importers of fish and fish products have to comply with the safety requirements imposed by the adopted Technical Regulation on the Safety of Fish and Fish Products. There is no transitional period at the moment but the provisions of the TR regulating the content of veterinary preparations in animal aquaculture products are to enter into force at a later stage, when the relevant intra-state standards will be adopted.
The Government has announced the development of occupational safety rules for works in restricted and confined spaces. The reason for such an action is that currently in Russia there is no regulation that contains unified requirements applicable to works in restricted and confined spaces. The requirements applicable to this type of works are insufficient, unclear and scattered over a number of regulatory instruments, including occupational safety rules and norms.
Occupational exposure limits, HS management, health and safety training, H&S management, occupational safety rules
Environmental liability, waste management, air protection, water management, hazardous substances management, dangerous goods transportation, use of chemicals…
Cosmetics, food, electronics, chemicals, clothing, textiles, other consumer goods
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