EAEU: Agreement on identification labelling of products
Importers and manufactured of certain product categories are required to organise recycling of wastes resulting from the use or consumption of such products, in accordance with the recycling targets set by the Government of the Russian Federation. The obligation of operators (importers and manufacturers) is considered to be fulfilled from either the moment of submitting a report on the fulfilment of the set recycling targets or from the moment they have paid the required environmental charge.
As of 15 April 2018, owners of transport vehicles used for dangerous goods transportation are required to use the revised procedure for the installation of GLONASS navigation system on such vehicles. The requirement to install GLONASS navigation on vehicles transporting dangerous goods has existed before and is not a new one.
One of the frequently asked questions is whether garages or open parking lots used only for parking (storage) as well as for entry and exit of vehicles are considered “sources of environmental pollution”. The reason for such a question is that operators of all environmental pollution sources are required to have them registered with the environmental authorities (Article 69.2 of the Federal Law on Environmental Protection No. 7-FZ dated 10 January 2002).
As of 9 December 2017, Technical Regulation on Energy Labelling of Air Conditioners (TR) entered into force in Ukraine. The TR was adopted on 24 May 2017 by Decree No. 360. The adopted TR is in line with the EU Regulation 626/2011 implementing EU Directive 2010/30/EU on energy-related product labelling.
As of 16 May 2018, importers and exporters of certain products and substances are required to obtain an import or export license. The revised list of products the import and export of which is subject to licensing was adopted by Decree No. 708 of 2 November 2017.
The list of products and substances subject to import and/or export licensing includes the name of the designated authority that issues the relevant licences.
The list includes:
As of 27 November 2017, manufacturers and importers of motor and aviation gasoline, as well as diesel and ship fuel, jet fuel and fuel oil are required to comply with the requirements pertaining to the safety of the mentioned fuel (including its composition) as well as labelling and packaging requirements for these types of fuel.
Facilities that emit warfarin sodium, biocide manufactured by Nalco Chemicals and / or corrosion or scale inhibitor manufactured by Nalco Chemicals into the ambient air are required to ensure that their emissions of these substances do not result in the exceedance of the set concentration thresholds set for such substances for the air of residential and recreational areas.
Manufacturers and importers of products intended for children and adolescents impacted by the amendments that enter into force on 25 September 2018 (leather goods, cutlery and crockery, toothbrushes, etc.) may place on the EAEU market all impacted products, provided that there are conformity assessment documents for these products that are valid and
Occupational exposure limits, HS management, health and safety training, H&S management, occupational safety rules
Environmental liability, waste management, air protection, water management, hazardous substances management, dangerous goods transportation, use of chemicals…
Cosmetics, food, electronics, chemicals, clothing, textiles, other consumer goods
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