EAEU: Clarification on “authorised representative of the manufacturer”

The EurAsian Intergovernmental Council adopted Decision No. 10 of 25 October 2019 with the aim to ensure that the term “authorised representative of the manufacturer” who is empowered act as the Applicant for the purpose of conformity assessment of serially manufactured products is used and understood in the same way throughout all EAEU member states.

As at 25 October 2019, the definition of the “authorised representative” is to be the same as is used in the Protocol on Technical Regulation in the EAEU (para 28, clause 2) which says that “authorised representative of the manufacturer is an organisation or an individual registered in the territory of an EAEU member state and acting on the basis of a contract signed with the manufacturer, including a foreign manufacturer and acting on behalf of this manufacturer during conformity assessment and placing on the market of products in the territory of the EAEU and liable for any non-compliance of these products with the applicable EAEU technical regulations”.

The EurAsian Commission will prepare, before 1 March 2020, draft amendments to the EurAsian Economic Union (EAEU) Treaty that will contain clarifications of the term “authorised representative” and requirements to authorised representatives of the manufacturer.