EEU: prepared draft agreements regulating circulation of goods not subject to EEU Technical Regulations

The EurAsian Economic Commission has decided to submit for the intra-state agreement a number of draft agreements regulating market circulation of products that are not subject to the EEU Technical Regulations.

The Agreement on Market Surveillance and State Control sets out unified principles for market surveillance and enforcement of product requirements. The draft Agreement includes a number of principles, such as the presumption of good faith of the market participants, the principle of systematic state market surveillance, the independence of market surveillance authorities from the manufacturers, sellers, consumers and providers, etc. The Agreement proclaims the use of the so-called “risk-oriented” approach.

The Agreement on the Market Circulation of Products not Regulated by EEU Technical Regulations will aim to ensure safety of products circulated on the market.

In addition, a single information system containing data on unsafe products will be developed. The system will ensure cooperation of market surveillance authorities of different EEU member states and decrease the risks of dangerous products penetrating the EEU market.