Electrical and electronic equipment

EAEU: Ecodesign requirements for energy-related products (ERPs)

EAEU has adopted Technical Regulation on Energy Efficiency of Energy-Consuming Devices (TR EAEU 048/2019) – the TR on Ecodesign. 

It is intended that the TR on Ecodesign enters into force some time in 2021 but not before 1 September 2021. 

The TR requires that equipment must have a device for controlling the power supply mode of at least one of the following types: 

Uzbekistan: Amended Regulation on Mobile Device Registration

The Cabinet of Ministers of Uzbekistan adopted Resolution No. 828 of 31.12.2020 "On Amendments and Additions to the Regulation on the Procedure for Registration of Mobile Devices Used, Imported and Manufactured for Sale or Personal Use in the Republic of Uzbekistan".

Russia: Revised rules for the submission of EPR reporting

As of 1 January 2021, importers and manufacturers of products subject to the extended producer responsibility (including electrical and electronic equipment, batteries, textiles and packaging) as well as manufacturers’ associations are required to submit the relevant yearly reporting in accordance with the revised procedure.  The report must contain information about products released on the Russian market during reporting year, the fulfilment by a particular importer or manufacturer of the set utilisation / recycling targets for wastes that in

Russia: EPR – adopted recycling targets for 2021

Russia has adopted recycling targets for 2021 for wastes generated from products subject to the extended producer responsibility (EPR) requirements (including WEEE, batteries and packaging wastes).

Russia: EPR – Form and submission rules for the environmental charge calculation

Importers and manufacturers of products subject to the extended producer responsibility (EPR) and recycling targets (e.g. electronic equipment, textiles and some types of packaging) will have to submit the environmental charge calculation form in accordance with the rules adopted by Order No. 920 of 13 July 2020.

Ukraine: Adopted ecodesign requirements for some types of room heaters

As of 6 May 2021, manufacturers and importers of room heaters, combined heaters, combinations of space heaters, temperature regulators and solar installations as well as of combinations of combined heater, temperature regulators and solar installations are required to comply with the ecodesign requirements and energy efficiency labelling of such heaters.
