Health and Safety management

Russia: Will your company be inspected in 2017?

In order answer this question, one should go to the official website of the General Prosecution Office of the Russian Federation. The service that can be accessed via this website (presently launched in the testing mode) allows you to check whether your organization will be visited by any state inspectors in 2017. The service will also give you the information on which dates your company is to be inspected and how long the inspection will last. The service will also inform you on subject of each inspection (e.g.

Ukraine. Issue 10 January 2017

Adopted licensing requirements for facilities performing fire-protection works

Facilities performing fire protection works, such as service and repair and service of automatic fire fighting installations (foam, powder, aerosol, water, etc.), fire alarm systems, evacuation systems, smoke protection systems, etc., are required to comply with the adopted requirements. These requirements relate to the minimum qualification of service personnel as well as organizational and technical requirements.

Russia. Issue 12 December 2016

Safety Rules for the operation of main pipelines transporting liquid ammonia

As of 6 June 2017 facilities operating, constructing, designing, renovating or liquidating main pipelines for the transportation of liquid ammonia, have to comply with the adopted industrial safety rules.

Russia. Issue 13 September 2016

Draft list of harmful or hazardous agents and types of work requiring compulsory medical examination of workers

Russia. Issue 23 August 2016.

It is not required to additionally confirm waste hazard class for wastes included into the Federal Classification Catalogue of Wastes

The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation has confirmed that it is not required to undergo the procedure of waste hazard class confirmation for any type of waste included into the Federal Classification Catalogue of Wastes (FKKO)

Russia. Issue 16 May 2016

DRAFT Amendments to working time restrictions for drivers

The Ministry of Transport has proposed to optimize restrictions imposed on the working time of drivers. The amendments are to affect organisations and facilities that employ drivers operating vehicles belonging to such organisations and that are incorporated or registered in Russia.
